Source code for hankel.hankel

General quadrature method for Hankel transformations.

Based on the algorithm provided in
H. Ogata, A Numerical Integration Formula Based on the Bessel Functions,
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 949-970, 2005.

import warnings
from builtins import super

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad

from import (

[docs]class HankelTransform: r""" The basis of the Hankel Transformation algorithm by Ogata 2005. This algorithm is used to solve the equation :math:`\int_0^\infty f(x) J_\nu(x) dx` where :math:`J_\nu(x)` is a Bessel function of the first kind of order :math:`\nu`, and :math:`f(x)` is an arbitrary (slowly-decaying) function. The algorithm is presented in H. Ogata, A Numerical Integration Formula Based on the Bessel Functions, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 949-970, 2005. This class provides a method for directly performing this integration, and also for doing a Hankel Transform. Parameters ---------- nu : scalar, optional The order of the bessel function (of the first kind) J_nu(x) N : int, optional, default = ``pi/h`` The number of nodes in the calculation. Generally this must increase for a smaller value of the step-size h. Default value is based on where the series will truncate according to the double-exponential convergence to the roots of the Bessel function. h : float, optional The step-size of the integration. alt : bool, optional Whether to use the alternative definition of the hankel transform. should be used. Default: False """ def __init__(self, nu=0, N=None, h=0.05, alt=False): N = int(np.pi / h) if N is None else N if not np.isscalar(N): raise ValueError("N must be a scalar") if not np.isscalar(h): raise ValueError("h must be a scalar") if not np.isscalar(nu): raise ValueError("nu must be a scalar") if nu < -0.5: raise ValueError("nu must be at least -1/2") self._nu = nu self._h = h self._zeros = roots(N, nu) self.x = get_x(h, self._zeros) self.kernel = kernel(self.x, nu, alt) self.w = weight(nu, self._zeros) self.dpsi = d_psi(h * self._zeros) self.alt = alt # Some quantities only useful in the FourierTransform self._r_power = 0 if alt else 1 self._k_power = 0 # initialize the factors of the series self._factor = None @property def nu(self): """Order of the hankel transform.""" return self._nu @property def _series_fac(self): """Factors for the series.""" if self._factor is None: self._factor = np.pi * self.w * self.kernel * self.dpsi return self._factor def _k(self, k): return np.array(k) def _norm(self, inverse=False): r"""Scalar normalisation of the transform. Identically 1.""" return 1 def _get_series(self, f, k=1): with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): # numpy safely divids by 0 args = np.divide.outer(self.x, k).T # x = r*k return self._series_fac * f(args) * safe_power(self.x, self._r_power)
[docs] def transform(self, f, k=1, ret_err=True, ret_cumsum=False, inverse=False): r""" Do the Hankel-transform of the function f. Parameters ---------- f : callable A function of one variable, representing :math:`f(x)` ret_err : boolean, optional, default = True Whether to return the estimated error ret_cumsum : boolean, optional, default = False Whether to return the cumulative sum Returns ------- ret : array-like The Hankel-transform of f(x) at the provided k. If `k` is scalar, then this will be scalar. err : array-like The estimated error of the approximate integral, at every `k`. It is merely the last term in the sum. Only returned if `ret_err=True`. cumsum : array-like The total cumulative sum, for which the last term is itself the transform. One can use this to check whether the integral is converging. Only returned if `ret_cumsum=True` Notes ----- The Hankel transform is defined as .. math:: F(k) = \int_0^\infty r f(r) J_\nu(kr) dr. Or in the alternative case with ``alt=True``: .. math:: F(k) = \int_0^\infty f(r) \sqrt{kr} J_\nu(kr) dr. The inverse transform is identical (swapping *k* and *r* of course). """ # The following allows for a re-scaling of k when doing FT's. k_scalar = np.isscalar(k) k = self._k(k) # k = zero here k_0 = np.isclose(k, 0) kn0 = np.invert(k_0) k_tmp = k[kn0] # The following renormalises by the fourier dual to some power knorm = safe_power(k_tmp, self._k_power + self._r_power + 1) # The following is the scalar normalisation of the transform # The basic transform has a norm of 1. # But when doing FT's, this depends on the dimensionality. norm = self._norm(inverse) # calculate the result for non zero k (int k -> real ret) ret = np.empty_like(k, float) if np.isrealobj(k) else np.empty_like(k) summation = self._get_series(f, k_tmp) ret[kn0] = np.array(norm * np.sum(summation, axis=-1) / knorm) # care about k=0 ret_0 = 0 err_0 = 0 if np.any(k_0): # limit of J(nu, 0) considering powers of k alt_pow = 0.5 if self.alt else 0 # in alt. def sqrt(rk) involved nu_th = self._k_power - alt_pow # threshold if np.isclose(, nu_th): lim_r_pow = self._r_power + alt_pow + int_fac = j_lim( * norm def integrand(r): return f(r) * safe_power(r, lim_r_pow) int_res = quad(integrand, 0, np.inf) ret_0 = int_res[0] * int_fac err_0 = int_res[1] * int_fac elif < nu_th: ret_0 = np.nan ret[k_0] = ret_0 if k_scalar: ret = ret.item() if ret_err: err = np.empty_like(ret) err[kn0] = norm * np.take(summation, -1, axis=-1) / knorm err[k_0] = err_0 if ret_cumsum: cumsum = np.empty(np.shape(self.x) + np.shape(ret), np.array(ret).dtype) cumsum[:, kn0] = norm * np.cumsum(summation, axis=-1).T / knorm cumsum[:, k_0] = ret_0 if ret_err and ret_cumsum: return ret, err, cumsum if ret_err: return ret, err if ret_cumsum: return ret, cumsum return ret
[docs] def integrate(self, f, ret_err=True, ret_cumsum=False): r""" Do the Hankel-type integral of the function f. This is *not* the Hankel transform, but rather the simplified integral, :math:`\int_0^\infty f(x) J_\nu(x) dx` , equivalent to the transform of :math:`f(r)/r` at *k=1*. Parameters ---------- f : callable A function of one variable, representing :math:`f(x)` ret_err : boolean, optional, default = True Whether to return the estimated error ret_cumsum : boolean, optional, default = False Whether to return the cumulative sum Returns ------- ret : float The Hankel integral of f(x). err : float The estimated error of the approximate integral. It is merely the last term in the sum. Only returned if `ret_err=True`. cumsum : array-like The total cumulative sum, for which the last term is itself the integral. One can use this to check whether the integral is converging. Only returned if `ret_cumsum=True` See Also -------- transform : The Hankel transform (this function calls :func:`transform` with ``k=1`` and ``f(x) = f(x)/x``. """ return self.transform( f=(lambda x: f(x) / np.sqrt(x)) if self.alt else (lambda x: f(x) / x), k=1, ret_err=ret_err, ret_cumsum=ret_cumsum, inverse=False, )
[docs] def xrange(self, k=1): """ Tuple giving (min,max) x value evaluated by f(x). Parameters ---------- k : array-like, optional Scales for the transformation. Leave as 1 for an integral. See Also -------- :meth:`xrange_approx` : An approximate version of this method which is a classmethod. """ return np.array([self.x.min() / np.max(k), self.x.max() / np.min(k)])
[docs] @classmethod def xrange_approx(cls, h, nu, k=1): """ Tuple giving approximate (min,max) x value evaluated by f(x/k). Operates under the assumption that N = 3.2/h. Parameters ---------- h : float The resolution parameter of the Hankel integration nu : float Order of the integration/transform k : array-like, optional Scales for the transformation. Leave as 1 for an integral. See Also -------- xrange : The actual x-range under a given choice of parameters. """ r = roots(1, nu)[0] return np.array([np.pi ** 2 * h * r ** 2 / 2 / k, np.pi * np.pi / h / k])
[docs] @classmethod def final_term_amplitude(cls, f, h, k=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Get the amplitude of the last term in cumulative sum. The absolute value of the non-oscillatory component of the summed series' last term, up to a scaling constant. This can be used to get the sign of the slope of the amplitude with h. Parameters ---------- f : callable The function to integrate/transform h : float The resolution parameter of the hankel integration k : float or array-like, optional The scale at which to evaluate the transform. If None, assume an integral. Returns ------- float : The value of G, the amplitude of the final term in the series' sum. """ if k is None: return np.sqrt(2 * h / np.pi) * f(np.pi * np.pi / h) return np.sqrt(np.pi / (2 * h)) * f(np.pi * np.pi / h / k)
[docs] @classmethod def G(cls, f, h, k=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Alias of :meth:`final_term_amplitude`. .. deprecated:: Deprecated as of v1. Will be removed in v1.2. """ warnings.warn( "Using G has been deprecated and will be removed in v1.2. Please use final_term_amplitude instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return cls.final_term_amplitude(f, h, k=k, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def slope_of_last_term(cls, f, h, *args, **kwargs): """Get the slope (up to a constant) of the last term of the series with h. Parameters ---------- f : callable The function to integrate/transform h : float The resolution parameter of the hankel integration Other Parameters ---------------- args, kwargs : All other parameters are passed through to :func:`final_term_amplitude`. Returns ------- float : The derivative of the last term of the series with h. """ return cls.final_term_amplitude( f, h, *args, **kwargs ) - cls.final_term_amplitude(f, h / 1.1, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def deltaG(cls, f, h, *args, **kwargs): """Alias of :meth:`slope_of_last_term`. .. deprecated:: Deprecated as of v1. Will be removed in v1.2. """ warnings.warn( "Using deltaG has been deprecated and will be removed in v1.2. Please use " "slope_of_last_term instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return cls.slope_of_last_term(f, h, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SymmetricFourierTransform(HankelTransform): r""" Fourier Transform of a radially symmetric function in arbitrary dimensions. Parameters ---------- ndim : int Number of dimensions the transform is in. a, b : float, default 1 This pair of values defines the Fourier convention used (see Notes below for details) N : int, optional The number of nodes in the calculation. Generally this must increase for a smaller value of the step-size h. h : float, optional The step-size of the integration. alt : bool, optional State if the alternative definition of the hankel transform should be used. Default: False Notes ----- We allow for arbitrary Fourier convention, according to the scheme in That is, we define the forward and inverse *n*-dimensional transforms respectively as .. math:: F(k) = \sqrt{\frac{|b|}{(2\pi)^{1-a}}}^n \int f(r) e^{i b\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}} d^n\mathbf{r} and .. math:: f(r) = \sqrt{\frac{|b|}{(2\pi)^{1+a}}}^n \int F(k) e^{-i b\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}} d^n \mathbf{k}. By default, we set both *a* and *b* to 1, so that the forward transform has a normalisation of unity. In this general sense, the forward and inverse Hankel transforms are respectively .. math:: F(k) = \sqrt{\frac{|b|}{(2\pi)^{1-a}}}^n \frac{(2\pi)^{n/2}}{(bk)^{n/2-1}} \int_0^\infty r^{n/2-1} f(r) J_{n/2-1}(bkr) r dr and .. math:: f(r) = \sqrt{\frac{|b|}{(2\pi)^{1+a}}}^n \frac{(2\pi)^{n/2}}{(br)^{n/2-1}} \int_0^\infty k^{n/2-1} f(k) J_{n/2-1}(bkr) k dk. """ def __init__(self, ndim=2, a=1, b=1, N=None, h=0.05, alt=True): super().__init__(nu=dim_to_nu(ndim), N=N, h=h, alt=alt) self.ndim = ndim self.fourier_norm_a = a self.fourier_norm_b = b self._r_power = (ndim - 1) / 2.0 if alt else ndim / 2.0 self._k_power = (ndim - 1) / 2.0 if alt else ndim / 2.0 - 1 def _norm(self, inverse=False): r""" Scalar normalisation of the transform. Taking into account Fourier conventions and a possible inversion. """ return (2 * np.pi) ** (self.ndim / 2.0) * fourier_norm( self.fourier_norm_a, self.fourier_norm_b, self.ndim, inverse ) def _k(self, k): """Substitution for k.""" return np.array(self.fourier_norm_b * np.array(k))
[docs] @classmethod def xrange_approx(cls, h, ndim, k=1): """ Tuple giving approximate (min,max) x value evaluated by f(x/k). Operates under the assumption that N = pi/h. Parameters ---------- h : float The resolution parameter of the Hankel integration ndim : float Number of dimensions of the transform. k : array-like, optional Scales for the transformation. Leave as 1 for an integral. See Also -------- xrange: the actual x-range under a given choice of parameters. """ return HankelTransform.xrange_approx(h, dim_to_nu(ndim), k)
[docs] @classmethod def final_term_amplitude(cls, f, h, k=None, ndim=2): """ Get the amplitude of the last term in cumulative sum. The absolute value of the non-oscillatory component of the summed series' last term, up to a scaling constant. This can be used to get the sign of the slope of the amplitude with h. Parameters ---------- f : callable The function to integrate/transform h : float The resolution parameter of the hankel integration k : float or array-like, optional The scale at which to evaluate the transform. If None, assume an integral. ndim : float The number of dimensions of the transform Returns ------- float : The amplitude of the final term in the sum. """ if k is None: return HankelTransform.G(f, h, k) fmax = f(cls.xrange_approx(h, ndim, k)[-1]) return (np.pi / h) ** ((ndim - 1) / 2.0) * fmax
[docs] @classmethod def G(cls, f, h, k=None, ndim=2): """ Info about the last term in the series. .. deprecated:: Deprecated as of v1. Will be removed in v1.2. """ warnings.warn( "Using G has been deprecated and will be removed in v1.2. Please use final_term_amplitude instead.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return cls.G(f, h, k, ndim)