Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r"""Tools for Hankel transformations."""

import numpy as np
from mpmath import fp as mpm
from scipy.special import gamma, j0, j1, jn
from scipy.special import jn_zeros as _jn_zeros
from scipy.special import jv, yv

SRPI2 = np.sqrt(np.pi / 2.0)

def psi(t):
    """Compute the variable transform from Ogata 2005."""
    return t * np.tanh(np.pi * np.sinh(t) / 2)

def d_psi(t):
    """Compute the derivative of the variable transform from Ogata 2005."""
    t = np.array(t, dtype=float)
    a = np.ones_like(t)
    mask = t < 6
    t = t[mask]
    a[mask] = (np.pi * t * np.cosh(t) + np.sinh(np.pi * np.sinh(t))) / (
        1.0 + np.cosh(np.pi * np.sinh(t))
    return a

def weight(nu, zeros):
    """Get weights for the summation in the hankel transformation."""
    return yv(nu, np.pi * zeros) / kernel(np.pi * zeros, nu + 1)

def roots(N, nu):
    """Get the first N Roots of the Bessel J(nu) functions divided by pi."""
    if np.isclose(nu, np.floor(nu)):
        return _jn_zeros(nu, N) / np.pi
    if np.isclose(nu, 0.5):
        # J(0.5) is just sqrt(2/(x*pi))*sin(x)
        return np.arange(1, N + 1)
    if np.isclose(nu, -0.5):
        # J(-0.5) is just sqrt(2/(x*pi))*cos(x)
        return np.arange(1, N + 1) - 0.5
    return np.array([mpm.besseljzero(nu, i + 1) for i in range(N)]) / np.pi

def j_lim(nu):
    Compute the timit factor of Bessel J(nu, 0) = 0.5 ** nu / Gamma(nu + 1).

    nu : float
        Order of the Bessel function.

        The factor.
    return 0.5 ** nu / gamma(nu + 1)

def kernel(x, nu, alt=False):
    Compute kernel functions for the hankel transformation.

    J(nu, x) or for alt=True: J(nu, x) * sqrt(x).

    x : array-like
        input values.
    nu : int or float
        order of the bessel function.
    alt : bool, optional
        Whether the alternative defintion of the hankel transform should be
        used: J(nu, x)*sqrt(x). The default is False.

        The needed function for the hankel transformation.

    J(nu, x) is approximately (x/2)^nu / Gamma(nu+1) for small x.
    if alt:
        if np.isclose(nu, 0):
            return j0(x) * np.sqrt(x)
        if np.isclose(nu, 1):
            return j1(x) * np.sqrt(x)
        if np.isclose(nu, 0.5):  # J[0.5] = sqrt(2/(x*pi))*sin(x)
            return np.sin(x) / SRPI2
        if np.isclose(nu, -0.5):  # J[-0.5] = sqrt(2/(x*pi))*cos(x)
            return np.cos(x) / SRPI2
        if np.isclose(nu, np.floor(nu)):
            return jn(int(nu), x) * np.sqrt(x)
        return jv(nu, x) * np.sqrt(x)
    if np.isclose(nu, 0):
        return j0(x)
    if np.isclose(nu, 1):
        return j1(x)
    if np.isclose(nu, np.floor(nu)):
        return jn(int(nu), x)
    return jv(nu, x)

def safe_power(x, p):
    Safely calculate x**p.

    x : array-like
    p : float

        The result x**p.
    return np.ones_like(x) if np.isclose(p, 0) else np.array(x ** p)

def get_x(h, zeros):
    """Get the arguments for the integrand."""
    return np.pi * psi(h * zeros) / h

def fourier_norm(a, b, ndim, inverse=False):
    r"""Calculate fourier-pair normalisations."""
    if inverse:
        return np.sqrt(np.abs(b) / (2 * np.pi) ** (1 + a)) ** ndim
    return np.sqrt(np.abs(b) / (2 * np.pi) ** (1 - a)) ** ndim

def dim_to_nu(ndim):
    """Calculate nu for the Hankel Transformation."""
    # keep int-type in python 3
    if np.isclose(ndim % 2, 0):
        return int(ndim) // 2 - 1
    return ndim / 2.0 - 1

[docs]def get_h( f, nu, K=None, cls=None, hstart=0.05, hdecrement=2, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3, maxiter=15, inverse=False, ): """ Determine the largest value of h which gives a converged solution. Parameters ---------- f : callable The function to be integrated/transformed. nu : float Either the order of the transformation, or the number of dimensions (if `cls` is a :class:`SymmetricFourierTransform`) K : float or array-like, optional The scale(s) of the transformation. If None, assumes an integration over f(x)J_nu(x) is desired. It is recommended to use a down-sampled K for this routine for efficiency. Often a min/max is enough. cls : :class:`HankelTransform` subclass, optional Either :class:`HankelTransform` or a subclass, specifying the type of transformation to do on `f`. hstart : float, optional The starting value of h. hdecrement : float, optional How much to divide h by on each iteration. atol, rtol : float, optional The tolerance parameters, passed to `np.isclose`, defining the stopping condition. maxiter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations to perform. inverse : bool, optional Whether to treat as an inverse transformation. Returns ------- h : float The h value at which the solution converges. res : scalar or tuple The value of the integral/transformation using the returned h -- if a transformation, returns results at K. N : int The number of nodes necessary in the final calculation. While each iteration uses N=pi/h, the returned N checks whether nodes are numerically zero above some threshold. Notes ----- This function is not completely general. The function `f` is assumed to be reasonably smooth and non-oscillatory. The idea is to use successively smaller values of *h*, with N=pi/h on each iteration, until the result betweeniterations becomes stable. """ # prevent circular imports from hankel.hankel import HankelTransform cls = HankelTransform if cls is None else cls if hstart >= 1: raise ValueError("h should never be greater than unity") # First, ensure that *some* of the values are non-zero i = 0 while ( np.any( np.all( cls(nu, h=hstart, N=int(np.pi / hstart))._get_series( f, 1 if K is None else K ) == 0, axis=-1, ) ) and i < maxiter ): hstart /= hdecrement i += 1 if i == maxiter: raise Exception("Maxiter reached while checking for non-zero values") if K is None: # Do a normal integral of f(x)J_nu(x) K = 1 def getres(h): """Get the result.""" return cls(nu, h=h, N=int(np.pi / h)).transform( lambda x: f(x) / x, k=K, ret_err=False, inverse=inverse ) else: # Do a transform at k=K def getres(h): """Get the result.""" return cls(nu, h=h, N=int(np.pi / h)).transform( f, k=K, ret_err=False, inverse=inverse ) res = getres(hstart) res2 = 2 * res + 10 while not np.allclose(res, res2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) and i < maxiter: i += 1 hstart /= hdecrement res2 = 1 * res res = getres(hstart) if i == maxiter: raise Exception("Maxiter reached while checking convergence") # Can do some more trimming of N potentially, by seeing where f(x)~0. def consecutive(data, stepsize=1): """Split into arrays of consecutive zeros.""" return np.split(data, np.where(np.diff(data) != stepsize)[0] + 1) hstart *= hdecrement x = cls(nu, h=hstart, N=int(np.pi / hstart)).x lastk = np.where(f(x / np.max(K)) == 0)[0] if len(lastk) > 1: # if there are any that are zero, # and if there are more than 1 in a row # (otherwise might just be oscillatory) lastk = consecutive(lastk) # split into arrays of consecutive zeros if len(lastk[-1]) == 1: lastk = int(np.pi / hstart) else: lastk = lastk[-1][0] else: # otherwise set back to N lastk = int(np.pi / hstart) return hstart, res2, lastk