
v0.3.5 [8 Dec 2017]

Bugfixes - Fixed Python 3 support from v0.3.4

v0.3.4 [28 July 2017]

Features - Added get_h function to aide in determining optimal h value for a given transformation.

Enhancements - Added _get_series method to quickly retrieve the summed series for the integration. - Two updated notebook examples.

Bugfixes - Moved setting of N to avoid error.

v0.3.3 [28 July 2017]

Features - Some additional tools to determine accuracy – quick calculation of last term in sum, and evaluated range.

Enhancements - Default setting of N=3.2/h, which is the maximum possible N that should be chosen, as above this, the series truncates

due to the double-exponential convergence to the roots of the Bessel function.

Bugfixes - Fixed error in cumulative sum when k is not scalar.

v0.3.2 [12 July 2017]


Bugfixes - Fixed relative import in Python 3 (tests now passing), thanks to @louity - Fixed docstring of SymmetricFourierTransform to have correct Fourier convention equation - Fixed bug in choosing alternative conventions in which the fourier-dual variable was unchanged.

v0.3.1 [5 Jan 2017]


  • Fixed normalisation for inverse transform in SymmetricFourierTransform.


  • Ability to set Fourier conventions arbitrarily in SymmetricFourierTransform.

v0.3.0 [4 Jan 2017]


  • New class SymmetricFourierTransform which makes it incredibly easy to do arbitrary n-dimensional fourier transforms when the function is radially symmetric (includes inverse transform).
  • Addition of integrate method to base class to perform Hankel-type integrals, which were previously handled by the transform method. This latter method is now used for actual Hankel transforms.
  • Documentation!


  • Addition of many tests against known integrals.
  • Continuous integration
  • Restructuring of package for further flexibility in the future.
  • Quicker zero-finding of 1/2-order bessel functions.
  • This changelog.
  • Some notebooks in the devel/ directory which show how various integrals/transforms behave under different choices of integration steps.

v0.2.2 [29 April 2016]


  • Compatibility with Python 3 (thanks to @diazona)
  • Can now use with array-value functions (thanks to @diazona)

v0.2.1 [18 Feb 2016]


  • Fixed pip install by changing readme –> README


  • updated docs to show dependence on mpmath

v0.2.0 [10 Sep 2014]


  • Non-integer orders supported through mpmath.


  • First working version. Only integer orders (and 1/2) supported.